I just switched from teaching to baking. It is learning everything from scratch. It is knowing nothing and building up. The last time in my working career that I felt like this, I was 19 and started working at a preschool. I knew a bit about kids and I had just a little of experience. It was hard, but I don't recall it been so hard as this switch has been.
I officially started working at a restaurant called PANI Deli 10 days ago. Do I have baking experience? Yes, some! I used to bake at home, plus I did a 4 months internship at another place called Maru Botana.
But this, this job has been different. First it as been an adaptation into the amount of physical work it takes. I get home exhausted, muscles I never knew I had soooo soared! But that, that is not even the point.
The point is that I have been left alone in the kitchen... Jajaja, I know how to make certain things, and I believe the kitchen is a try an error kind of thing. Definitely I learned from my mistakes, and definitely I won't be making them again!!
It get a bit frustrating, going home everyday and knowing you messed up! I get to work all happy, so enthusiastic, and the minute I get to the kitchen BOOM! The news hit me, I messed up!
It's not the messing up part that gets me upset, because yes we learn from our mistakes, is more the WTF! Again! And even when I thought I did everything good! Yesterday the thought crossed my mind... What if I go back to my old job, I was good, I was reasonable happy!
But then, I think we only have one life to live! We came here knowing nothing and everyday is an opportunity to learn, to become better, to experience, to feel.
As Pierre Curie said: you have to turn life into a dream and turn the dreams into reality.
I been wanting to learn baking and pastry for many years, this is the time, the opportunity, and not because I failed I need to dropped it.
Happy to keep trying, keep learning, and continue making life sweeter.